Sunday, December 20, 2009

What to do, what to do...

So the bank approved a sale of my house to my buyer, who was going to rent it back to me. All good to go.
But my buyer, a friend does own several properties, he's had for many years. And has money and great credit! Unfortunately, he owns too many to get new financing, the banks won't let him. And his equity lines which he's Always on time for, he paid down, and they cut them off. So no more loans. This for a man, who has a doctorate, and a good income, and many rentals which bring in money. And he can't borrow more.
So my house, is foreclosed and can I stay? I have to live somewhere.
It's a dilemma, and I try to keep a smile on my face, but it's hard.
I know whatever happens I will be ok. I have friends, and offers of places to live.
It's just tough times now.
But I feel like I'm on the cusp of success. It will come. I believe.
So, keep smiling, no matter what!
Thanks for being there, my friends.
We will all hang together! We will all be ok.
Bless us all.

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